Scrambling for Safety III


Computer Weekly, the Foundation for Information Policy Research and Privacy International are jointly sponsoring the third Scrambling for Safety public conference to discuss the issues raised by the DTI's consultation paper Building Confidence in Electronic Commerce, which has a deadline for responses of 1 April 1999.
Admission is free of charge.





14:00 Welcome by Simon Davies (Privacy International)

Key Note:

14:20 E-Commerce: Certificates, Licensing, and Liability -- Chaired by William Heath (Kable)

Speakers: Panellists include:

16:20 Tea

16:30 Law Enforcement and Civil Liberties: Warrants, Surveillance, and Safeguards -- Chaired by Caspar Bowden (FIPR)

Speakers: Panellists include: (NCIS declined).

18:00 Ends


Register via e-mail:

Telephone enquiries: Simon Davies at 0958 466552

The conference will examine the detailed technical, commercial and legal issues of licensing and digital signatures, but will also examine the civil liberties questions raised by the requirements of law enforcement. We especially wish to advance the agenda beyond key-escrow, to consider the implications for public policy of Walsh report solutions.

Scrambling for Safety events traditionally attract a strong attendance from the Internet user and business communities, and admission will be free of charge.

For directions to the LSE maps are available of the general area, and of the school itself on the LSE website.

For Scrambling for Safety I see the Journal of Information Law and Technology article.
For Scrambling for Safety II see Ross Anderson's page.

The Foundation for Information Policy Research is registered in England and Wales under the Companies Act 1985 as a private company limited by guarantee (No.3574631). Application for charitable status is in progress.

Last Revised: April 18 1999